I have been a slack blogger, sorry, but with Christmas and moving…well I was tired. What did you do for the holidays? Here’s my little rundown.
December 23rd – I work for the state so I was lucky enough to start my Christmas Vacay, but I had to spend it finishing pack up the old house. We almost got done.
December 24th – Christmas festivities began. We had to go to my parents and the husbands Grandmother’s house. Oh…be fore we even left I managed to drop a glass bowl full of melted white chocolate on the floor. HORRIBLE. The bowl shattered, the glass was covered in chocolate, I cut myself, and of course the chocolate set up before I could clean it all up…yay me! I did however get this cute picture of my parent’s rotten cat in a box that night.

December 25th – Lazy day pretty much…we had brunch at my parents, went to the mother-in-laws for dinner and then went home and vegged out on the couch.
December 26th – I started unpacking the massive amount of boxes…fun
December 27th – Unpacked more boxes…more fun
December 28th – Spent the day with my bro running errands. I had to get some tees for orders. We needed to return and exchange some things, and I bought stuff do DIY Chalkboard Paint.
December 29th – Gave the kitchen a nice DIY Chalkboard Paint accent, and worked on a new light fixture since it is nearly impossible to change the bulbs on the one currently in there. Here’s a sneak peek of the two projects below.
Oh, I also bleached the husband’s hair so that I could dye it some crazy colors. Please note, this was at his request!
December 30th - Started unpacking the craft room/studio. After working in the room all day I decided I hated the color and had to paint. Here is what I started with:
December 31st – Got up and headed straight to the store, picked out a gorgeous turquoise called Caribbean Blue and came home and painted. I also dyed the husband’s hair previously mentioned crazy colors. He was supposed to have Royal Blue, Turquoise and Raspberry Magenta hair, but for some reason only the blue and magenta took. After that I actually relaxed for a bit, and then enjoyed a night out with the best friend and my bro at the bar while the husband was working. I even worked a little bit too. I had to help pour the champagne for the midnight champagne toast. Check out a preview of the craft room.
The turquoise shows up a bit more blue in the picture than it actually is.
January 1st- I did some touch ups on the paint, added some turquoise accents to a chest of drawers, and was lazy the rest of the time.
January 2nd - Yay for this still being a holiday! I moved all of the furniture back into place, brought the rest of it in, and attempted to finish unpacking everything. I still have some boxes with stuff in them, but the major stuff is unpacked. The fabric, and clothing to revamp is all pretty much put up, all that’s really left are odds and ends.
January 3rd – Returned to work….booo.
So, again I ask….what did you do?