Friday, January 6, 2012

New Studio/Craft Room

I’ve been working hard getting everything unpacked and in place. The new place is still a disaster, but we’re getting there. While I was off work during Christmas I spent 3 days on and off working on my new Studio. I usually call it a craft room, but I’m liking the word studio better. See, when we were unloading all of our crap a lot of it just got dumped in this room, and there was still a Bowflex type thingie, a chest of drawers and  a nightstand in this room that my brother had yet to move. This is more or less what I started with:
I did quite a bit of straightening, rearranging and furniture moving to get to this point:
I simply could not get that Bowflex thingie out of there by myself. It’s heavy, awkward, and actually would not fit down the hallway as is. Finally my brother helped me and we got it out and everything looked much better.
The more and more I stared at the green walls I simply couldn’t take it. I knew those babies would have to get painted. So, I headed to the store the next morning, got a gallon of turquoise paint, supplies and went home and got busy. I also had to get some more curtains, so excuse the creases. They’re straight out of the package. The turquoise is actually showing up a bit more blue than it really is. It’s actually a lovely turquoise called Caribbean Sea.
DSCF4434 DSCF4432
I also accidentally dripped some paint on one of the pieces of furniture, so I accented it with some Caribbean Sea as well. I still have to do one more coat on the bottom part.
I still have some unpacking to do, but I at least have the essentials put away and I can get some work done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My old sewing room used to be bright sky blue and I LOVED IT! Much better than the previous green. Nice work!