Everyone knows Mona Lisa and her devious little smirk. To me, she looks like she's hiding something, hence the idea for this shirt.
Once again, this was created in Adobe Photoshop 7.0. I had a little mishap printing so I played around a bit. I started with black ink and then went over it in silver and gave it a sort of grungy look.
For those of you wondering what in the world Mod Podge is (hopefully there aren't that many of you). Mod Podge is the coolest decoupage medium out there. You can glue, seal and finish with one bottle of stuff...cool huh? Here's the kicker...there also many different kinds of Mod Podge that can be used for many different things depending on what your project requires. Head on over to Mod Podge Rocks and find out about all of the different Mod Podge Formulas.
Maegan over at love Maegan has just posted 2 more fabulous designer knock-off DIY's. One of them is actually a knock-off of one of her old designs...just go read it to find out more!
Cathi Filian has done it yet again. Head on over to the Plaid website and check out her Carrot Stamped Tee Tutorial. With just a carrot and some paint she create an adorable floral shirt that would be cute for any female young or old.
This project would be great for kids. It even has many more possibilities. You wouldn't have to stop at just tees, you could stamp wrapping paper, works of "art", tote bags and anything else stampable.
Now I don't know about you, but I love me a big belt buckle. I have a habit of buying one buckle, falling in love with it and neglecting my others, but I think if followed Cathie Filianstutorial on how to create my own I would just be forced to fall in love with all of them and I would hopefully give them all time on my favorite belt!
There are so many options here. You could even put in pictures of your kids, pets or friends!
I remember when I was child I would always beg my mother for pinwheels when we were at the store. If I was a good little girl I would generally get one since they were cheap. Of course the key was me being a good little girl was the key thing here. If it was early in the day I was generally pretty safe, and I was good in public for the most part, but if was later in the day I had most likely got into some kind of trouble...because well I was Trouble with a capital T. Enough about me though....la la la...I would generally get a pinwheel since they are pretty cheap, but since they pretty cheap they would often get torn up quickly. I was a rough little girl. The only dolls I had were Barbies and I rearranged the body parts. So enough about my childhood...the whole point of this post is so you and you child, or you if your just a big kid at heart can make you own pinwheel.
Thanks to the lovely people over at Craft Jr. you can download printable pinwheels with instructions. how cool is that. There is even a blank on that you decorate yourself. Talk about fun! Hop on over and check it out!
Here is one of my first creations using the Yudu. Before anyone asks, yes I am tattooed. I created the image in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (old I know).
Apparently, Journeys sold a shirt similar to this. I don't know if it had the Jesus image on it or just the phrase. I never saw it, I rarely even go in that store. I have seen others, many others with the phrase, but never this design. When I created this I wanted to do a take on the whole Jesus is my Homeboy shirts. I like the way it turned out and apparently so do others since I have already sold one! Yay me!
I have always wanted to try screen printing but I have been a bit afraid to. I was scared I would just screw it up royally. So when Provocraft came out with this nifty new machine called the Yudu Screen Printer, I was curious. I researched and read reviews and so far everyone who had tried pretty much liked it so I dove in. Well, I kind of dove in, I asked for it for my birthday and my parents obliged. I will have to admit that it has been a learning process, but it really is fairly easy and I have a feeling that I was overreacting about the whole screen printing process possbily being a disaster.
I have learned some great tips and tricks at Yudu Forums. They discuss anything and everything concerning the yudu. I found out that I could use other inks and emulsion that would save me money and I have even learned tricks to help perfect my technique. Stay tuned to see some of my yudu work!
For those of you who don't know what Threadbanger. He is a description courtesy of Threadbanger.com:
The ThreadBanger network is a landing point for people who want to create and discover their own style through alternative fashion: recycling, up-cycling and re-fashioning anything and everything with simple sewing tools and techniques. From our episodes, forum and blog, to our newsletter, contests and viewer-take-overs, ThreadBanger is a multi-media network for people who want to share their passion for DIY, fashion and crafting with each other. ThreadBanger is a place to share ideas, tips and advice and help make the world more fashionable, ThreadBanger style!
Their"episodes" are great video that typically all involve some sort of tutorial or show you some great diy/crafty examples. Here is a great video showing you a simple T-shirt Recon.
This project is so simple. With some snips of the scissors and a couple seams you have a great t-shirt for a night out with the girls! When I make my own I'll post it for all to see!
I have been a bad girl. I tried out LoudTwitter to see if it would work out for sending my Tweets to my blog for some great DIY tutorials but it was a fail. So I am going to be a good girl and start blogging again. Here is a present for everyone.
I have fell in love with this blog ...love Maegan. This chick seriously rocks. She posts fashion diys most often based on designer items so that you can make your own for a fraction of the price. She has her "Gratuitous Outfit Posts" which I love. You get to see how she combines different items and sometimes uses peices in unconventional ways. She plays dress-up and gives hair how-to's. What's not to love about this girl! Check her out and get inspired!