Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Yudu

I have always wanted to try screen printing but I have been a bit afraid to. I was scared I would just screw it up royally. So when Provocraft came out with this nifty new machine called the Yudu Screen Printer, I was curious. I researched and read reviews and so far everyone who had tried pretty much liked it so I dove in. Well, I kind of dove in, I asked for it for my birthday and my parents obliged.

I will have to admit that it has been a learning process, but it really is fairly easy and I have a feeling that I was overreacting about the whole screen printing process possbily being a disaster.

I have learned some great tips and tricks at Yudu Forums. They discuss anything and everything concerning the yudu. I found out that I could use other inks and emulsion that would save me money and I have even learned tricks to help perfect my technique. Stay tuned to see some of my yudu work!

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