So, in the craziness off all of this I managed to get a couple of things accomplished last night after making a trip to the store for more paint brushes. I got the painting done for a present for a family gathering on Saturday. At this particular gathering we draw names, and the person whose name I drew loves wolves…..soooo…

I kept the painting black and white because I didn’t know what type of decor was in the recipients house, so I figured this was bound to match something. The edges of the canvas are finished so he can hang it as is with no frame, or have it framed.
I was also able to get my Christmas tree up last night. I tried getting some pictures, but pictures of a Christmas tree in a room that is not very well lit kinda suck.
Here is one of it all lit up:
Here are a couple unlit:
I tried snapping one up close so you could really see the fabulous leopard print ribbon! I love it!
That's an awesome tree and an awesome painting! I'm sure the giftee will love it!
Superb article that gave me real tracks for my items to me. I will test starting next article. To say I even put the page in Favorites.
Thank you
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