Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorry...but I promise I am not a slacker!

Hello Lovelies!

I am so sorry that I haven't updated lately, but I was going crazy getting ready for Arts in the Heart, which is a big festival and arts and crafts deal here in Augusta. I set up last year and I loved it

It's a three day event with music, awesome food, and artisans from all over the southeast. I meant to post a blog about it beforehand, but I totally forgot.  I took Thursday off from my day job to get the last minute stuff together and do my final bit of creating. Friday, we got down there about 2:00 to set up and the festival started at 5:00. Now going into this we knew that there was a chance of rain...a really sucky...horribly bad chance of rain....and we pretty much got monsooned on Friday night. What amazed me is that people were still out wondering, just not buying. Who could blame them, why would you want to walk around in the rain lugging shopping bags? Saturday, was hot and humid, but business was pretty awesome. I sold a fair amount of clothes, much more than I did last year. Last year I mostly had my handpainted stuff, vintage slips and just a few things that I had actually sewn myself, but this year most of my stuff was all my original sewn stuff and reconstructions. It makes me feel good to know know that there are people out there that actually like my peices. I just have to start making more "skinny chic" stuff since most of what I had on hand was L/XL because that's my size. It's something I will have to work on! Sunday, was the final day and it was good as well. Not quite as hot as Saturday, and the rain held off unitl about 5:30 or 6:00.  Yesterday, I took the day off from my day job to just breathe, which turned into a me day where I dressed cute and bummed around town. I hit Old Navy, the fabric store, refrained from buying new boots, did some birthday and christmas shopping for the boyfriend and hit Wally World (Wal-Mart). Old Navy was having an awesome clearance sale. I walked out with a bag full of clothes for 48.00. I got 3 dresses, 2 tees, 3 silky tanks and 2 ruffly tanks. The most expensive thing was a dress for $6.24...can't beat that.

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