Friday, April 11, 2008

Fabric on Jen Ell's Revenge

Ok I've been slack again. I've been ignoring my blog...*bad Jen Ell*. I've been out of town and I've been working on getting some new things up and going. My bestest bud and I have been working on setting up a vintage shop called Jaxynville Rewind. So far all we have is a Myspace, but we just had a photo shoot last night, so some items will be up soon! For now here is the link to the myspace, so feel free to add us:

To show I'm not completely slack I have decided to clear out some of my fabric stash. this was very hard for me to make the decisions because I am a person who is always worried that once its gone I will need it for something, but just look to right at my Etsy Mini to see what I have to offer!

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